Colors By Laure

Blog about my Artwork and Ideas.

From clothes and art I've created to new projects I am working on.

Why "Colors"? There is not one clear answer to what a color is, some people may say red or blue maybe even green or indigo. To me it symbolizes the collective idea people have when giving that answer.

How the internet changed my world. As a kid I never saw myself using a computer to make art,I remember walking into my 4th grade computer class and just lossing my mind using Kid Pixs and very old version of Photoshop. I can still remember the the little bomb icon that would clear away your screen. Wish those good times came back. From that day I knew I wanted to pursue art as a career path, but did not know how. Cue 2000's fashion and music. Growing up my introduction to a more art related world was sitiing infront of a heavy Panasonic CRT TV and watching channels like MTV, VH1 and anything Cartoon Network. What fascinated me wasn't just the music but how the visuals and what people in said music video had on. From the pop punk looks to the baggy shirts, It changed my life forever.

High School and my Sewing Machine. In high school I leaned more into the fashion aspect of art. I started to paint on old shirts and jeans, add unnecessary rips to them and patches galore. It wasn't very common but I still did it. There were a lot of failed patches sewn onto pants and lots pricked fingers from the needle jamming on my sewing machine. But in the end it made me a stronger artist. Mentally and Physically.

But Fashion wasn't the only route I stuck too. Album covers and music posters always drew me in. From the typographical elements to the use of colors and how it blends with eachother. Walking into music stores and just browsing the different isles looking at all types of covers. From indie bands to Jazz covers, nothing was excluded from me studying them and trying to recreate them with my own spin.

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